Accelerator Programme
Sustainable Building

CRH is a leading provider of
building materials solutions
that build, connect and
improve our world

Creating value through sustainable solutions:

CRH is leading the transition to smarter, more sustainable construction to meet the evolving needs of our customers and society.

  • $13.9 billion revenue generated from products with enhanced sustainability attributes in 2023

  • 43.9 million tonnes of wastes and by-products from other industries recycled

  • 400+ innovation projects underway across CRH operating companies since the start of 2023

This accelerator offered startups an opportunity to partner, pilot and commercialise their solutions with CRH.

Shortlisted 2025 Applicants

We were excited to invite eight shortlisted companies to present at our Pitch Day event in London in March 2025. Each of these startups are developing sustainable building materials solutions capable of lowering emissions, demonstrating circularity or reducing waste, energy and water usage in the built environment.

Developing and manufacturing advanced carbon nano materials to create a safer, more connected and sustainable world.

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Developing a process that turns industrial waste like steel slag into sustainable cement while capturing CO2.

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A growing technology company offering innovative and sustainable byproduct treatment solutions.

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Creating environmentally friendly concrete additives that substantially reduce CO2 emissions.

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An ultra-low carbon cement from industrial byproducts.

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An advanced materials science startup, developing novel self-healing concrete.

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Re-engineering concrete to make it regenerative, resilient and carbon neutral.

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Refining the 2.5B tons of U.S. landfilled coal ash into valuable end-products.

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Focus areas

Sustainable binder solutions

Enhancing the carbon performance and / or the circularity of traditional materials via binder design innovation, SCMs innovation or other approaches creating sustainable cement and concrete solutions for the customer

  • Cementitious binders and concrete solutions

  • Novel or activated supplementary cementitious materials

  • Recycled or CO2 mineralized cementitious materials

New materials & applications

Developing novel materials or products, or  new applications of existing building materials to create sustainable solutions with non-traditional materials for cement or concrete applications

  • Alternatives to clinker and novel binder chemistries

  • Biobased, self-healing or inductive cementitious materials

  • Nanomaterials 

  • Admixtures, fillers and additives for cementitious products

CO2 mineralised materials

Utilising CO2 in binders, aggregates, waste feedstocks or concrete to develop a building materials or products that also offer carbon storage

  • CO2 mineralised building materials e.g., aggregates, SCMs, ready-mix concrete

  • CO2 mineralised building products e.g., masonry, hardscapes

Working in collaboration with:

Any questions?

Is the programme cohort-based?

Six to eight companies are selected to enter the accelerator programme, but we remain flexible with the timeline of each pilot project. The most important element is that the pilots can demonstrate success in a way that proves scalability and drives innovative product development.

How is the programme funded?

All pilot and travel expenses are covered by the accelerator programme.

Is the programme in-person or remote?

While some meetings are held remotely, teams are required to travel on-site (in North America and or Europe), where applicable, to execute the pilot.

How are the start-ups selected?

All application submissions are carefully reviewed and the most relevant applicants are invited to present to CRH teams. Following this assessment, companies are selected to enter the programme.

What is the workload and required effort for startups when joining the programme?

The workload depends on the nature of each pilot project but should be commensurate with any early adopter use.

What type of mentoring, coaching and funding opportunities are offered?

Companies have wide engagement with CRH meeting regularly with management in CRH’s operating companies as well as the Innovation and Ventures team to discuss the pilot’s development, the company’s product roadmap, go-to market strategy, financing and supporting operational infrastructure.

Does CRH Ventures consider investing in programme participants?

At the conclusion of the programme, companies may be considered for an investment from CRH Ventures of up to $5M.

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